Using the power of education to create a more just and sustainable future.

From Classroom to Creek
For Earth Team interns, addressing the environmental challenges of the 21st century starts right at home. Read the inaugural post of eeBLUE's Watershed Chronicles.

A Model of Collaboration to Advance EE
Learn about the success of the ee360+ coalition, showcasing how collaboration is achieving meaningful progress toward complex environmental goals.

Our Commitment to EE for Everyone
We believe that a wide array of perspectives allows all organizations to be more effective, and we honor the beliefs, attitudes, languages, interpersonal styles, and values of all individuals.

Learn About Us Through Our Work
NAAEE serves as the professional association and champion for environmental education, working with professionals around the world to advance environmental literacy and civic engagement to create a more sustainable future.

Our network of dedicated individuals and institutions is committed to using environmental education as a tool to create lasting change. We support our members and promote excellence in the field by providing guidelines, research, tools, and professional programs that help cultivate collective impact and motivate multi-sector support.

Explore eeJOBS
Whether you are looking for job candidates or searching for your new career, eeJOBS is the place to be. We help employers and job seekers connect.